Don’t worry if a glance in the mirror at the wrong angle reveals the bumpy appearance of cellulite prone skin. After asking around it seems to us that it’s definitely those women that don’t suffer from the dreaded orange peel that are in the minority!
At So Organic we are realists and we won’t promise you a miracle cure in an organic cellulite cream (if only life were like that!) but there’s no doubt that when combined with everything we all know we should be doing; drinking lots of water, eating healthily and avoiding too many toxins like caffeine and alcohol, these natural cellulite treatment products can help improve things.
Combine your organic cellulite cream with dry skin brushing for the best possible natural cellulite treatment programme. But you need to keep at it, dry skin brush daily and follow with your natural cellulite treatment to give your skin the best possible chance to improve.
If you’re not sure which of our products to choose please ask our beauty advisors for advice about the perfect organic cellulite cream for your needs. Call free on 0800 169 2579 or 020 8465 5600 or email us for expert advice.