Conventional aftershaves contain synthetic fragrance and chemicals. Many can create heat and redness, especially after shaving. This is often caused by the harsh alcohol also contained in the products.
Natural aftershave does not contain any of these harsher additives, and has natural fragrance, as nature intended. If they do contain alcohol, organic aftershave products use less than mainstream brands and it is much gentler on the skin.
Organic aftershave will mean your body won’t sacrifice smelling nice with the fact that you are absorbing chemicals.
Organic aftershave toner is also best for toning the skin. The natural aftershave toners will exercise your pores, making your skin look more vibrant and improving elasticity.
Please email us for expert advice or call our advisors free on 0800 169 2579 (or 020 8465 5600) if you need help or would like to order by phone.