All our organic shampoo is SLS & paraben free.A lot of what you put onto your skin and scalp can be absorbed and mainstream shampoos contain sodium lauryl/ laureth sulphate (SLS) which can be irritating for the skin, a penetration enhancer (a bad thing when there are other nasties in the product) and has been linked to health problems.
Our organic shampoo is ALL SLS free and contains organic ingredients to nourish the hair and skin.
Another common shampoo ingredient is synthetic fragrance, which can be made up of hundreds of chemical ingredients and can be a major trigger for allergy and asthma sufferers. Our organic shampoo never uses synthetic fragrance and instead is scented with essential oils which have a variety of skin care benefits as well as making the organic shampoo smell great.
Using organic shampoo limits the amount of toxic chemicals your skin will absorb and works as well as, or better than mainstream brands, the days when organic shampoo didn’t perform are long gone.
We have certified organic shampoo and some others that are not certified but are still very natural and free from nasties.
None of the organic shampoo products we sell contains SLS, parabens, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, propylene glycol or is animal tested so you can feel confident in choosing any of them.
Please email us for expert advice or call our advisors on Free on 0800 169 2579 or 020 8465 5600 if you need help choosing your organic shampoo or would like to order by phone.