OSO is ‘living classroom’ created on board a 65 foot catamaran. Sounds like a nice place to learn right? Explains why the innovative curriculum is attracting attention. Starting out as place for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students to receive hands on lessons about the local marine life, the organization also promotes the awareness further afield about the relationship between ocean and the global environment. Through the OSO Community Service Project people can get involved in native plant restoration, beach clean-ups, waste composting and tending to gardens for the homeless.
It would be great if a local UK surf wear designer in the UK established a similar project for the sea life in the popular surf spots in Cornwall and Devon. The eco conscious outdoor brand Howies pledges to give 1% of their turnover or 10% of pre-tax profits (whichever is greater) to grass-root environmental and social projects. Who’s next?