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Dr Hauschka Cleansing Clay Mask

10 Nov 2008 14:40:03

My first run in with Dr Hauschka's Cleansing Clay Mask was in SoOrganic's Greenwich store when I was looking for a new face mask to try. To my surprise when I lifted the lid of the in-store tester (albeit a little clumsily and slightly tilted) a puff of brown powder misted before my face. Don't worry, this doesn't happen like some magic fairy dust each time you open a pot of Dr Hauschka's Cleansing Clay Mask unless of course you are as ungainly as I am.

This unique little mask (as I found out later that night) does wonders for the skin and is quite fun to use. I felt a bit like I imagine a tribal woman of the Amazonia might upon brewing her skin soothing remedies. You might understand why by reading the method of application or if you ever get the chance to use it yourself.
0 Comments | Posted in Beauty General Product Reviews By Nicki

Detergent Free Washing

12 Sep 2008 15:26:32

There's a new washing machine on the European market (but sadly not available in the UK yet) that does not require any detergents to clean your dirty clothes. It's called the WasH2O and is made by Chinese company Haier.How it works is electrical currents are sent through the water turning the water's atoms into acid atoms (H+) and alkaline atoms (OH-). In this form the separated atoms are effective dirt removers. The H+ ions also act like bleach, turning those stained whites into bright whites.

This is great news for our oceans and our pockets, in the long term at least - a WasH2O is available for 700 Euros. Of course once bought you never have to buy detergent again. The chemicals found in many detergents end up in our rivers and oceans via our water systems, so by removing them in our clothes washing routine, we reduce a fair share of water pollution we've created to keep ourselves ‘clean'. Clean clothes do not necessarily translate to clean environment.

Until your machine goes kaput it would be pretty pointless to dump it in washing machine heaven. Using eco friendly detergents until it does die makes a little more sense to our throw away society. Besides, by the time the WasH2O is available to buy in the UK, it may just be time for a new machine.

Removing Body Hair the Organic Way

10 Sep 2008 17:39:15

Hair removal. Most ladies remove hair on at least one part of their body and more men than ever are ridding themselves of it (Back, Cr... you know the rest). Being hairless on some parts of your body can feel quite luxurious, depending on the method you use to remove the hair, that is.When it comes to removing hair the organic way you have a couple of options.

The first and quickest is to shave. Using an organic soap or shaving cream to lather on the skin pre shave and an organic body moisturiser post shave, will mean you will not expose open pores or razor cuts to chemicals found in unnatural products. However, if you're like me you get a little frustrated at the coarser stubble that grows back so quickly or you become lazy (especially in the winter) and end up with old growth forests scattered across your body (if only body hair absorbed CO2!).

There's always laser hair removal and electrolysis but both of these can be painful and very expensive. I prefer to use an organic hot wax. I decided to do it myself after my first and last visit to a London beauty salon. I walked out quite shocked - not because of any unbearable hair ripping pain, but because the cost of a simple bikini wax was not too far off a one way train trip to Paris (the French do have a great alternative to hair removal - not bothering at all!).

I use Moom Organic Hair Removal Kit with Lavender for extra sensitive skin - not because I have particularly sensitive skin, I just love how soft it leaves my skin. This all-natural organic product contains sugar, water, chamomile, lavender and lemon juice only - that's no chemicals, perfumes or artificial substances. This combination of natural ingredients does a lot more than remove hair. The chamomile and lemon in particular act as a natural antiseptic and skin enhancer.

Moom waxing draws on both traditional hot wax techniques and the ancient hair removal concept of sugaring. It's water soluble so washes off the skin and cotton strips easily, plus it isn't unbearably sticky (a big gripe of mine). Ten seconds in the microwave is enough to warm Moom as it's not like conventional hot wax and shouldn't be heated too hot.

Anna Loves...

22 Jul 2008 13:02:58

Of all the lush organic and natural cosmetic products available I'd have to say my favourite is Sante's Concealer Pencil in light beige. This concealer is fabulous because it's the only one I've ever been able to find that exactly matches my skin colour. Not only does it provide excellent coverage under the eyes after a sleepless night but it feels like it's doing that softer area of my face some good. Certified organic it's made from shea, jojoba and chamomile extract. I pretty much use it every day that I have to get out of bed (which is most of them until I win the lottery!).
0 Comments | Posted in Beauty General Product Reviews By Anna

Christelle’s Favourite

20 Jun 2008 12:28:06

My favourite product is the Trilogy Purifying Masque. This mask is really good for normal to oily skin and as I get quite oily during summer and a few more spots it's ideal for me. I apply it once or twice a week, depending on the season. It always leaves my skin feeling extra clean and purified. You only need to use a tiny bit for your entire face so the 35g pot lasts several months. The rosehip, witch hazel and rose geranium scent is quite subtle once applied which is good because I leave it on for the maximum ten minutes.
0 Comments | Posted in Beauty General Product Reviews By Christelle