The rising cost of energy and animal feed has seen an increase in the price we pay for meats (nearly 14% in the last year). We have also seen a rise in the cost of animal derived products such as butter (up 31% in the past year).
The good news for organic meat eaters, according to Robin Maynard, campaigns director for the Soil Association, is ‘over time the rising costs of oil and fossil-fuel derived inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides should favour the economics of organic farming and production compared to non-organic.' He continues with the fact that 26% less energy is required for organic farming.
Don't assume a diet that includes meat and animal products has to be more expensive in the short term though. Organic British butter for example, is currently cheaper than the well know brand Anchor Spreadable.
Try searching for locally bred animals and weigh up whether indulging in a chemical free plump piece of rump, less frequently is worth it by considering the savings to the environment and your health. Also helping organic farmers to grow and become sustainable in both a business and ecological sense enables them to pass the energy savings on to us consumers.