For the longest lasting manicure, always start by applying a base coat. Orly Bonder is brilliant as it's rubberised formula helps to prevent chipping.
After your base coat is dry, apply 1 or 2 coats of your chosen colour. Apply in long sweeping strokes from the nail bed to the tip. Try to leave a tiny gap next to the cuticle and at the sides of the nail. If you flood the nail bed and sides the result will be messy.
Try to have enough nail colour on the brush that you can work quickly and avoid having to re-dip the brush mid-nail.
Allow the polish to dry a little before applying a Top Coat. This will protect your colour and prevent chipping. If you have long nails, an expert tip is to run a little top coat under the free edge of the nail so that it completely seals the colour at the end of the nail too.
For the most professional finish you can then apply 1 to 2 drops of Flash Dry Drops to each nail to aid drying and leave them with a gorgeous high gloss finish.
If you have made any mistakes they can be whisked away easily with the an orange stick wrapped in cotton woll and dipped into Gentle Polish Remover to leave you with perfect, salon quality nails.