FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council. It is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organisation that was set up to promote the responsible management of our world's forests.

For more than a decade the FSC have been developing solutions to some of the greatest problems our forests face. The fact is we cut down trees because our society depends on the materials we can make with their wood. The FSC work on all levels - economic, social and of course environmental - to create measures that ensure our forests are managed fairly.

With offices in 46 countries the council helps set standards, provides trademark assurance and accreditation services for those companies wanting to play their part in responsible forestry. It's a sad fact that, according to the FSC, in some countries up to 80% of timber is illegally harvested. The destruction to protected old growth forests is phenomenal and we need to stop it occurring by making sure we only choose products derived from sustainable sources.

You can help by becoming a FSC donor and by supporting other pro-forest organisations working towards keeping our trees and wildlife healthy.

Check out a sneak peak of the movie 'Buyer be fair: the promise of product certification' featuring the FSC.