Firstly cleanse your face in your normal cleaner to ensure it is as clean as possible.

Prepare your mask by mixing 1 teaspoon of the mask powder with 1 teaspoon of water in to a small bowl and mix until a smooth paste is formed. If you wish you can also add a facial toner for extra help in revitalising the skin (I used Dr Hauschka's Facial Toner).

Before you add the mask it's highly beneficial to steam the skin. To do this fill a medium sized bowl with hot water and add an essential oil or similar (as I was on a role with the good doctor I used Dr Hauschka's Facial Steam Bath). Lean over with your face just above the water line, place a towel over your head and bowl and breath in deeply for anywhere between 3 and 15 minutes, depending on your skin type (3 min for sensitive skin, 8 for normal to dry skin and up to 15 for oil skin).

Immediately afterwards pat dry and apply your already prepared clay mask. Leave on as above for the steam bath (ie 3 min for sensitive skin, 8 for normal to dry skin and up to 15 for oil skin).

Remove with muslin cloth and rinse thoroughly. If in the evening apply your normal toner. If daytime apply toner and moisturiser.