LashesMascara is one of those products in the make up bag that can have dramatic impact on the face, especially for the fairer eyelash beauties amongst us. The first mascara invented was by Eugene Rimmel nearly two hundred years ago. But the black concoction you find over the counter today is likely to be based on the formulation of chemist T.L. Williams who created the modern liquid for his sister Mabel in 1913 (that's right, he started Mabelline). William's mixture was made primarily with a combination of coal dust and petroleum jelly. These two ingredients alone are telltale signs of potential health threats. Most commercial mascaras contain petrolatum, a soft paraffin that can lead to eyelashes thinning. Laquer, a substance used in paints to prevent them from running, is also common in mascara. This ingredient can in the long-term lead to lashes falling out.

The worst ingredients that pose threats to your internal health are triethanolamine, propylene glycol, and parabens. These have been linked to neurotoxicity, cancer, organ and reproductive toxicity, amongst other things.

Natural and organic mascara's contain natural oils and waxes to give volume and softness. They are as effective as traditional mascaras without exposing all those nasty toxic chemicals to your body via the thin, sensitive lining of skin at the tip of your eyelids.

Our top recommendation is Lavera's mascara. It creates long silky lashes without clumping.