Swishing is a clothes exchange party where invitees bring along at least one item of clothing or accessory that they think someone else may be delighted to purchase. Clean, quality garments a must; vintage designer frocks and rare gemstones preferable.
Topshop have adopted the concept, running workshops at its flagship Oxford Circus store. Enthusiasts are asked to bring in three items of unwanted clothing to swap for someone else's and are also shown how to turn their junk into chic accessories.
If you're the kind of shopper who especially likes unique, bespoke pieces without a hefty price tag or you just need a good excuse to get the girls together for a natter, Swishing is ideal. It's definitely one to do with the girlfriends not the kids. For the penny saving eco-chic it's a guilty-free way to refresh your wardrobe. The party aspect of Swishing gives it an Avon / trendy-Soho-op-shop / cocktails-with-the-girls feel. The only possible downfall is you may find yourself in the very likely situation of adoring the same one off piece as your girlfriend.
For details on upcoming Swishing dates or for a guide on how to throw your own Swishing party visit www.swishing.org