It is possible to give birth without suffering, risk or fear with the right support. Ina May Gaskin is a well-known midwife who set up a commune in the 60's for women who wanted to birth their babies the natural way. Her two books Spiritual Midwifery and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth gives expecting mums a powerful resource based on scientific evidence on the benefits of a natural labour. Ina also developed the Gaskin Maneuver uses simple body movements to facilitate a difficult birth.

The Natural Pregnancy Project is a great educational and support resource for mum's to be who want to know more about going down the natural birth route.
If you're looking for a gift for a woman who's about to pop (the natural way) the
Labour and Birth Box by Natalia is a gorgeous organic present to show you with her. It contains an organic cotton flannel, Labour Massage Oil, Labour Bath Ease and Labour Instant Energiser. The energiser is a pulse pointer containing essential oils peppermint, rosemary and frankincense to rub onto wrists and inhalation to uplift during a long labour.