Eggs are one of the most nutrient rich, super foods we can eat.According to the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) team, eggs that come from grass fed (free range) chickens contain 34% less cholesterol, 10% less fat, 40% more vitamin A, twice as much omega-6 fatty acid and 400% more omega-3 fatty acid than factory-farmed chickens.

Eggs are a good source of minerals including calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and iodine, all of which are easily absorbed by the body. They are also rich in Vitamins B, B12, D and K as well as Niacin and Folic Acid.

Eggs contain approximately 11% protein, most of which is in the white. It is the egg yolk, which provides most of the nutrients listed above including the essential fatty acids. All these nutrients help built strong bones, vision, muscle strength, immunity and glowing skin.

Take care however, consuming eggs every day can lead to allergies particularly in small children due to a few allergen prompting proteins. My mum grew up on a chicken farm, and ate more than her fair share of eggy delights. Though she still loves eating them, she can't have one without feeling nauseous. Three to five eggs per week are adequate for the average person.

Due to their lack of fibre, cooked eggs can contribute to constipation if your diet does not incorporate enough fibre rich vegetables. Raw eggs easily assimilate into the bloodstream and therefore don't clog the intestines, so will not have the same effect. Some medical professionals recommend pregnant women should avoid eggs however unless there is a family history of food allergies, there is no need to avoid them altogether.

For a yummy raw egg smoothy try mixing two eggs, 1 banana, a handful of berries and a third of a cup of milk (all ingredients organic, free range, Fairtrade and local where possible).