Transition Town BookTransition towns are communities responding to the challenges of climate change and peak oil by converting their local economy and way of living to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It's about simpler living and local produce. It's about utilising waste and planting more diverse crops. It's about redesigning and re-skilling. It's about being more resourceful and powering down.The Transition Town Network was founded by Rob Hopkins who developed the concept by drawing from his urban planning degree and interest in permaculture (the study of natural ecosystems to find remedies to man-made problems). Rob is rallying communities across the UK by lecturing and writing books to raise awareness on the conundrums the modern world will face when our oil supplies peak. He's also providing an alternative model to living; one that is more sustainable and earth conscious.

‘We are already starting to see an upsurge in the number of people getting back to growing food again and making clothes again. It's not going to be easy, but the thing is the longer you leave it, the harder it is." Rob commented in the Observer recently.

If you'd like to learn more about the impending oil drought and how you can adapt your lifestyle to be less oil dependant, The End of Suburbia (dvd) and The Transition Town Handbook by Rob Hopkins (book) may be of interest.