Autumn is a wondrous time to walk through the forests and parks of the UK. The vast array of warmer colours - yellows, oranges, pinks and red of every shade - ease us out of summer and ironically warn us of cooler times to come. It's a time, that some would argue, is the best to stroll the great parks and woodland paths of the UK. It's also an excellent time to gather seeds, fruits and nuts to eat or grow for next year.
And guess what? The Tree Council is encouraging us to do just that. From the 23rd of September until the 23rd of October these tree care campaigners have lined up a full month's worth of events to get people out and about, wandering and collecting.
With the help of the National Trust and local councils there are currently nine events registered in Devon, East Sussex, Gloucestershire, Hertfordshire, Somerset, Suffolk, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, County Down (Northern Ireland). Depending on which one you attend you could be foraging for acorns, conkers, berry seeds, nuts, haws, hips and sloes from native trees, shrubs and orchards. The event in Ipswich, Suffolk will be showing people how to plant and pot their seed findings so they can take them home to grow.
There will be guides, tree specialist and the occasional expert apple identifier to walk you through the harvest ready forests. Some seed gathering events will be free; others a couple of pounds. For dates and further details visit the Tree Council website.
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